Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dance Gavin Dance Album Review: Downtown Battle Mountain

Dance Gavin Dance’s debut full length album “Downtown Battle Mountain” is quite the follow-up to their EP “Whatever I Say is Royal Ocean.” I won’t lie, I’ve been listening to this new album nonstop since I first laid my hands on it a week or so ago. This screamo band is comparable to a mix of Circa Survive and Alexisonfire, if that is imaginable. Although this album is not about robots and cocaine, I think that it will be received well because of their still unique sound. Let’s face it, the singer has a voice that is just plain beautiful and the music is catchy. And if you are one of those people who hates bands just because they got popular through Myspace, then you probably won’t like this album. That being said, I am going to go check my Myspace now. And listen to some Dance Gavin Dance.

Published in REAX Music Magazine Vol. 2 Issue #1

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